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Friday, Jul. 05, 2002 - 5:01 p.m.

It�s Friday? Again? Wasn�t it Friday just a couple of days ago?�plus- photos! Whoopee-di-doo!�.

Yeah, having the 4th on a Thursday sure messed up my internal calendar. I treated Wednesday night like it was a Friday night. I stayed up late, consumed quantities of adult beverages, and slept late.

Yesterday, we were in bed at a decent hour (10:30), knowing that we had to get up before the sun this morning (work, you know?).It would have worked out fine, except the neighbors were still lighting off their fireworks at midnight.

When the alarm clock kicked on this morning, it felt like I had only been asleep for a couple of hours.

Which, in fact, was true. I really had only been asleep for a couple of hours.

I guess you can throw your expectations for a great entry today (here at Roadiepig) out the window�..

Sorry if anybody took what I wrote in here wrong yesterday, but I was just expressing how I feel about this country. The bad is here, but so is the good. That�s where I was trying to come from.

One thing for sure: if you write something controversial, just about everyone has something to say. I didn�t write what I did for that reason, but I�m glad that people out there have strong opinions and beliefs, and aren�t afraid to express them.

�Nuff said on that.�..

Now, for the photos.

The first one is of the two buckets full of Walla Walla sweet onions that I picked from my garden at work today. The baseball is there for size comparision. The largest bulbs were closer to softball size and baseball.

The best thing about this onion harvest? I only pulled about � of the bed, leaving another two buckets of onions for next week. I thought I would leave them in the ground a little longer, just to see if they get any larger.

My guess is no, but a few more days in the ground won�t hurt the.

Now, if only a few of my tomatoes would ripen up. I am ready for some real Pico de gallo��

The next two photos are of my Drug Dealer Neighbor�s dog, Rowdy.

He has become quite an escape artist. DDN has built a nice kennel for the pup, underneath the Tree From Hell in his backyard. He started with just a 6-foot fence enclosure, but it only took Rowdy a day to figure out he could jump over it. After taking the dog home a couple of times, DDN told me he would make it more secure.

He did his (lazy) best. I will give him that. He put chicken wire over the entire opening on the top, making the cage nearly escape-proof.

Not for this canine, though. I watched him escape Saturday morning. He climbed up the side of the fence, and then hooked his front paws on the chicken wire. Once he has a good grip on the top, he used his back legs to push on the top until it pried up enough to squeeze his body through the opening. The whole escape only took him about 2 minutes.

Since then, he is always waiting in my driveway when I come home from work. Funny dog. I hope he doesn�t get hit by a car, or attacked by another loose dog. He doesn�t deserve the fate DDN�s last dog suffered.

If you look closely at his face, you can see where he has cut himself during his escapes. His belly and sides are covered with scratches, too. He deserves better than this.

He has also decided that the area under my hillbilly boat belongs to him. I guess the shade, combined with the damp bark chips makes a pretty cool den for him.

Yeah, he looks a little insane in this photo. He is part Pit Bull, but he is just a big softy. He is playful as any dog I have been around, and constantly want us to rub his belly or pat his head. I don�t think he has a mean bone in his body.

I have been leaving him a fresh bowl of water (by the boat) each morning. If he gets out of his cage, he might not have any other access to fresh water.

I won�t feed him, though. DDN always puts him back inside when he gets home at night, so he has no problem getting food.

Hey, have a great weekend.

Remember: if you are planning on being out in the sun, wear some sunscreen.

Peeling skin is a bitch��.

Antique - Futuristic

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