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Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2002 - 8:05 p.m.

Like the great poet R. Kelly once said, �Age is just a number��.


So, this is what 41 feels like, huh?

I don�t feel 41. Well, some days I do. Those usually involve the over-consumption of adult beverages the night before, though.

I guess I should write some profound bit of sage advise for the young�uns out there, telling you of all the knowledge I have gained from my years on this planet.

I think that would be a little presumptuous, though.

I once read a quote from somebody famous whose name I can�t remember right now (the mind is the first thing to go, I have heard. I think I heard that somewhere, anyway) about learning.

Maybe it was Einstein? I can�t remember!


When asked about what their trick was to being the genius they became, his (or her) replay was �You never stop learning, no matter how old you get. The day you stop learning is the day you die�.

Words to live by, even if I can�t remember who said them.

Hey wait�maybe it was Elmer Fudd in a Bugs bunny cartoon?

I have had a good day, thanks to several things that happened today.

I checked my email before leaving for work this morning, and several people stopped by my g-book to wish me a happy b-day. Thank you all! I will respond to each entry personally, as soon as possible. I might have to skip reading entries tonight, just to get it done.

Lease asked me last week what she could do for my b-day. Since she made me promise to keep her b-day low-key, I told her to do the same for mine. No party (um, I guess dinner last Saturday night doesn�t count as a party), and no big gift.

�Make me some soft-cooked eggs for breakfast. That will be nice, and plenty for a gift, too�, I told her back then.

I woke to the aroma of toast and eggs in the skillet. She was just sliding them onto a plate when I entered the kitchen.

I am a creature of habit in the mornings, always waking and leaving at the same time. She timed it perfectly, and after a kiss I carried my plate to the living room to enjoy my (The government has warned me many times about the dangers of eating under-cooked eggs. I don�t care; I�ll take my chance with the salmonella. I love a corner of toast dipped into liquid yoke) peppery soft-cooked eggs.

I went to work (whoopee!), and accomplished almost nothing. The MMI computer system has been down for two days now, so I couldn�t pay bills, enter fuel tickets, or do anything else involving this antique piece of crap.

Please note: If you are a service or supply provider for the State, you will be paid. Just a few days late, that�s all. Sorry for any inconvenience this delay may cause you. But, if you sell anything to the State, you don�t expect to get paid in a timely fashion anyway, do you? I didn�t think so�..

I managed to stay awake all day (well, almost all day-I did doze off some during afternoon break time), and managed to drive home without being struck by any drag racers.

Took a 30-minute fast walk, took a shower, and waited for Lease to come home from her workplace.

She did buy me a couple of small gifts. I scored:

1. Two nice triangular graters (one large and one small) that I had seen at Kohl�s recently. She noticed, and went back last week to pick them up for me.

2.A t-shirt (a deep blue-green in color) with the members of the Peanuts family across the front (yes, I like Charlie Brown. Kinda nerdy, but deal with it).

3.Two pounds of Dove� dark chocolate promises (she do know me, don�t she?)

Dinner at Red Lobster.

Still stuffed. Happy, though�..

So, I guess turning 41 isn�t that bad.

After all, the only other alterative to growing older is dying.

I would like to delay that for as long as possible��

Antique - Futuristic

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