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Wednesday, May. 07, 2003 - 8:45 p.m.

Fuckin� furry thiefs!� the D.D.N. has a wild one in his back yard (loonnnggg entry- you have been warned!)

Today was a very busy garden day for me. I wanted to get as much done as possible, before the next round of severe storms hits here tomorrow.

I managed to get the rest of my planned tomato and pepper plants inserted into the work garden on my lunch half-hour. I had 10 more tomatoes, plus a few assorted peppers, too.

I didn�t have time to water them, so I had to wait until quitting time for that part of the job. Normally, that would mean the plants would be badly wilted by the time I poured the water on their bare roots.

Not today. We had about 4/10ths of an inch of rain last night, and the ground was damp enough to protect the small plants from drying out.

No, it wasn�t too wet to plant. I didn�t step on the beds (since I can reach the middle from either side- another basic rule of square foot gardening), so the soil wasn�t compacted by my actions.

All that is left to plant in the work beds are a few vineing plants (pumpkins, acorn squash, and assorted melons to waste time and money again), plus my okra crop.

Things are rounding into shape.

If we can just avoid another rare late-spring frost, that is�..

I came home, and went to work dividing up my few remaining plants.

I needed to put aside a few plants for my dad and step-mom. I needed to get a larger quantity of tomatoes for my bro-in law, plus a few flowers for my sister. And I needed to take a 6-pack to Peggy (my haircutter) of Habenero peppers, plus a few more hotter than hell peppers. She likes the hottest of the hot, and they are really hard to find around here.

I decided that tonight would be a good time to deliver the plants to my sis and Peg, so I loaded them into the Hillbilly truck and headed out. I gave Peg her plants, taking a few minutes to tell her what was what.

I headed to my sister�s house, but decided to stop at the local Walgreens to pick up a gallon of skim milk.

As I was walking across the parking lot, something dawned on me: I didn�t have my wallet.

I had removed everything but my keys from my blue jeans when I entered the house (for comfort�s sake). I didn�t have any money on me. Nor my driver�s license, either.

I did the same thing on Monday. I emptied my pockets, started working in the yard, and realized I needed a gallon of gas for the lawnmower. Drove to Casey�s, filled my can, and then reached for my back pocket�.

Embarrassing, to say the least. They even wrote down my name and truck plate numbers.

Your memory is the first thing to go, I guess�.

Elmer Fudd had it right: rabbits are pests!

I noticed tonight that there were two baby bunnies in my garden. Some would say �How cute!�.

Not a gardener. I knew this was bad news.

It took my less than a minute to figure out what they had damaged. They had stripped ALL of my broccoli and cauliflower plants to bare stems.

Again, just like most every spring here at Casa Roadiepig.

Yes, they were �protected� from the rabbits. I had planted them behind chicken wire fencing 32� tall.

They had somehow squeeze underneath the buried portion of the fencing, and dined all day.

I�m not surprised, BTW. This is the local �feed your baby bunnies for free buffet�. Every spring, all of the local mommy rabbits bring their younguns� to my back yard, where they cause me nothing but trouble until my plants get large enough to loose their allure to those cute, furry little motherfuckers.

Once the hot weather settles in, the problem leaves.

Until then?

I guess I need to make sure my pellet gun has a fresh CO2 cartridge in it, and is full of pellets�..

I have plenty of broccoli and cauliflower plants at work, and the bunnies don�t mess with them there.

So all is not lost on my Cole crop front��

Last item:

The Drug Dealing Neighbor is still in jail, but his family is still chugging along, jobless, next door.

In the past few weeks, two new pit bulls have popped up like mushrooms in spring.

One is a small female, quite friendly and outgoing.

The other?

It is a male. Fully grown. Goes by the name of Mr. Spock.

Meaner than a junkyard dog, as Jim Croce would have put it.

It does nothing but growl and bark whenever it is outside. If I wander down to the garden, he goes slightly psycho, snarling at me. He charges the fence, and then grabs it in his mouth, twisting it as best he can.

Today, the babysitter came out, and she apologized to me for his outbursts. I told her I didn�t mind, but I wanted to get on his good side since I spend so much time outside.

Today, I tried a new tactic- I brought a handful of dog biscuits to the garage basement, and then took two of them to the fence. I tossed them at the dogs, one each. The puppy picked hers right up and ate it. She became very quiet after that.

Mr. Spock? He just kept snarling at me, until the babysitter picked up the bone and gave it to him.

This confused him. He ate it, but couldn�t figure out why I tossed it to him.

About 30 minutes later, I came back down to the garden. He started his act again. I tossed him another bone. This time, he ran over to it and immediately ate it.

He continued to grow at me occasionally, but with less enthusiasm.

Who knows? In a few more days, maybe he will look at me and think �Free Food!�.

Probably not, though����

Mr. Spock�s face and head is shiny with either Vaseline�, or some kind of anti-bacterial ointment.

Think they are using him in dogfights?


And don�t tell me I should call the police or something.

They already know what goes on in that house. Someday, maybe they will take the dogs away.


Hell, he ran over two people with his Explorer last summer, mortally wounding one of the fellow drug dealers.

His sentence is only 6 months in the county jail.

Think the police want to prosecute him for what he does with his dogs, if all they can put him away for attempted murder is 6 months?

Antique - Futuristic

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