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Grand Drive - "Grand Drive" (2003 - BMG Music) Country-fied rock from Englishmen? Yeah, somewhat like Wilco or Nineteen Wh

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Friday, Mar. 12, 2004 - 3:07 p.m.

Took a rare sick day from work today�plus- more photos of "forced" spring bulbs......

Yeah, I took a sick day today. My first full day (minus doctor�s appointments) since November of 2002.

Going back to 2001, I have taken exactly 2 full sick days. That is why I have an insane amount of unused sick time built up (over 1000 hours, and counting). If a North Dakota employee doesn�t use their sick time, the can roll them over for as long as they are employed by the state. The new administration is trying to change that system, because if you don�t burn them you can apply them as �days worked� towards your retirement. There was a short period of time (mid 80�s) where they decided to pay employees (at retirement) one-half of a day�s pay for each day unused.

Crazy? Yes, I agree.

Some people left the state last fall with a payout of $10,000 or more for unused days!

I can�t see getting paid for staying healthy, but I can see the incentive of letting an employee receive credit towards their retirement time worked, so they don�t take a sick day every time they need to do work around the house or something. I have heard (in the pasty, before they allowed credit towards retirement) of guys taking a sick day and playing a round of golf or farming.

Very stoopid, especially if you get caught. Loosing your job to steel a day off is just plain dumb.

I myself am home today because something really set my stomach off last night. I was up all night with, well�..the trots. I DON�T blame the food from our great meal last night. Whatever caused this was in the works all day yesterday.

After spending most of the night running from our bed to the bathroom, I decided I was too dead tired to try to put in a descent day of work.

Hence, my first full sick day off in 15 months�..

I really need to get out back and prune my fruit trees. I did this job at lunchtime on my three apple trees at work last week, but haven�t found the time to attack my trees here at home all winter. If the sap starts flowing, it will be too late.

I hate doing this to my trees, btw. If you just ignore a fruit tree, it will grow all over the place, branches crossing and rubbing against each other. The limbs will be too small to support the fruit if you don�t remove part of the wood every year, and an older tree won�t even produce new twigs if it isn�t pruned. If that happens, no new wood means = no blooms = no fruit.

So I have to find time this weekend to do this job.

I hate to remove too much, but that seems to be the only way to do the job right. I usually leave more than I should, and my crop is smaller than it would be if I removed a little more.

Oh well- as long as I get enough peaches, nectarines, and apricots (after the yearly battle with the tree rats), I will be happy�..

The first of my forced daffodils is blooming. Put up against the fading tulips (photo posted on Monday, they don�t look like much. But I have had trouble forcing daffodils in the past, so any blloms (since these are Lease�s favorite spring bulb) are welcome:

This is a shot of one of the red tulip buds, open wide for pollination. The throat of this tulip is bright yellow, which means they would go good together with a daffodil that bloomed at the same time as they do:

Both of these pots are filled with bulbs that I bought for next to nothing (I think the tulips came from Wallyworld, and were in a package of 12 bulbs for $2!). With as little effort it takes to force these bulbs, I think anyone who gardens should pot up a few ever fall.

They definitely brighten up the house, late in the winter months�..

Antique - Futuristic

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