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Thursday, Jul. 29, 2004 - 8:16 p.m.

Sometimes what you don�t plan for in a garden can be a nice bonus�.plus- a new �Roadiepig�s cooking for dumb people� tips (can�t use the word �dummies�, or I might face a lawsuit ;)

Here�s the tip (I wish I had used it myself tonight):


My belly looks like I have measles or something.

Yes, I should know better than this. But, as I said in the title- it was a �cooking for dumb people� tip.


Hey, the BLT�s were tasty anyway. I even had a surprisingly early �Brandywine� ripe to slice for the �T� part of the sandwich.

I also threw together a quick stir-fry side dish of �Papaya Pear� squash, red ripe bell pepper, and �redwing� red onions to go with the toasted sandwiches.

Summer meals don�t get much better than this�

You know I do a little planning; getting my garden started each year. I buy a bunch of seeds and grow them inside to get an early start. I try to space things so that I get the most for my �square footage�.

I even start a few flower seeds at work every spring. Don�t need them for anything- I almost never even cut any of them. I just grow them for a little extra something between the pumpkin vines and tomato plants.

Even with all this planning, I am constantly surprised with what decides to come along and grow voluntarily.

Case in point?

Check this �weed� out:

Not spectacular, right? It is tall- at least 5� from ground to top of plant.

But the flowers aren�t too visible in this shot.

Here is a better view (two of them, actually):

This is a very poisonous wild Datura, or Angel�s Trumpet. Its common name is �Jimson Weed�.

This plant is responsible for numerous emergency room visits every year, mainly from teenagers who read somewhere (on the web maybe?) that they can catch a free buzz by consuming the seeds of the plant.

I have the larger flowering white version of this plant growing between our house and Drug Dealing Neighbors abode. I bought a plant from a seller at the local farmer�s market about three years ago. It has managed to reseed itself ever since, and has just begun blooming again this week.

This one is a little bit smaller, bloom wise. The plant is much taller. I figure that is due to all of the 12-12-12 fertilizer I tilled under back in the spring.

If it makes it to maturity, I will pick a few of the seedpods and scatter the seeds away from the work garden where all the other wild flowers bloom. I think there are a couple of varieties of sunflower, goldenrod, and chicory growing in the 15� by 5� space right now.

Might as well reward the effort this plant went through to grow in the vegetable garden by letting it propagate where it doesn�t take up valuable growing space next year�

I shot something like 150 photographs today. I shot some of the Wave� petunias, growing in massive beds out near Wallyworld and the Mall. Took a few of my onion/garlic/shallot harvest, hanging from the ceiling of the garage, too. Probably post a few here in the future.

Most, though, were of the sunflowers growing in the field across the road from the storage. The view isn�t as pretty anymore- the seed heads are filled and drooping, and the leaves have already started turning yellow.

I thought that they made an interesting subject for just those reasons. Black and white editing seems to be the ticket.

I�ll let you know if they turn out they way I hope they do�

Antique - Futuristic

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