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Monday, Nov. 20, 2006 - 8:39 p.m.

Ode to the Brussels sprout...

Probably one of the most overlooked and under appreciated members of the cole family, Brussels sprouts are one of my favorite things to grow every year. They are moderately low-carb and highly nutritious. A half-cup contains 7 grams of carbohydrate and 2 grams of fiber, for a usable carb count of 5 grams. It also has 2 grams of protein, a decent amount for a green vegetable. They're a good source of potassium (247 mgs) and vitamin A (561 International Units). They have respectable amounts of vitamin C and folate, too. At least that I what I read in this article from AZCentral .

They have a very unusual way of growing- if you have never seen this plant before the sprouts are harvested from the stalk, you would never know this fact. The sprouts are just that- buds that swell up below the leaves of an upright growing stalk. Some of my plants grow over 5 foot tall, getting so top heavy that they end up bending and contorting in unusual shapes.

They are also the longest from seed planting to harvest of anything I can grow in this part of the world. I put the seeds into sterile soil less mix in late February every winter, transplant the seedlings into the garden in late April, and only start to harvest the first buds in late September. At that time, they are still a little bitter. To get the best flavor, they have to be hit by a few frosts (but not freezes) in the fall. That means they can grow for over 10 months with perfect growing conditions.

This year, September and October were colder than normal. So far , November has been warmer than normal. That gave my Brussels sprouts plants a few extra weeks to mellow and reach their peak of flavor. I have been harvesting them for friends and family for over a month now, picking enough for a meal or two every few days. I started out with 14 plants in my garden. I still have 9 of the stalks in the ground (the others were cut off at ground level and given to family as whole stalks), most with at least 1/2 of their sprouts still attached.

I will continue this bit by bit harvest until we get a forecast for a overnight low of less than 20�, or until they are all gone, whichever comes first.

What did I do with this bowlful?

Cut into quarters, I was able to quickly stir-fry them with a little garlic until they became tender. Just before removing them from the wok, I added some Indonesian chili paste (Sambal Oelek) and bottled stir fry sauce (not sure of the brand).

I prepared enough for Codeman and myself. He didn't come home for supper tonight, so I had the whole bowl for myself.

I was almost able to finished them off all by myself....

Antique - Futuristic

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