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Monday, Jul. 14, 2008 - 8:46 p.m.

And you think you have a lot of mouths to feed in your house-Baby robins, an update...

Monday, July 7 2008. 9:22 am.

Pretty demanding, aren't they?

Feed me...

Thursday, July 10th.

Momma robin is getting tired of my approach now- This photo was taken from less then 10 feet before she flew off.

The babies are fully aware of my presence now, and because of this I only came to within 3 feet of the nest :

Friday was an eventful day for this brood.

I took this photo in the morning (during my lunch hour), about 2 hours before the skies turned dark and all Hell broke loose.

Mom wasn't happy (as usual) of my presence, but I took a few photos anyway:

Friday, July 11, 2008. 3 pm

Just before all Hell broke loose. It looked worse than it ended up being, but we still received about 2" of rain in less than 20 minutes. No tornadoes, thankfully, by buckets of rain.

Not good for a nest full of baby robins.

The rains ended just in time for me to take one last look at the nest. As you can see, the babies were very wet, but were breathing fine. They just took the rainfall as an excuse to take a nap. Mom was sitting on the garage nearby, scolding me for checking on the babies.

I thought they might be gone when I went to work this morning (Monday, July 14), but they were still in the nest, looking more like adult robins than ever. I left the camera at work- if they are still there tomorrow, I will shoot a few more to go along with the ones I took this morning...

Antique - Futuristic

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