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Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002 - 7:56 p.m.

Six hours of absolute boredom (kinda like most of my workdays, I guess)�

Today was �Chainsaw and Chipper operation and maintenance meeting� day.

I, for some unfathomable reason, was required to attend this 6-hour snoozefest. I could understand sitting through the videos and enlightening presentation if everybody was required to suffer with me.

They weren�t. The Mohall storage needed to have 15 employees present, and the Hillary storage (the county to the north) sent all of their employees except management.

So 9 of our full-time employees got out of this meeting. Several people with less seniority than me were spared.

The biggest question I had was why me? I don�t operate chainsaws much anymore (only in emergency situations- maybe twice since I went into the toolroom job 3 years ago), and I will most likely NEVER run the chipper in my remaining years at the state.

MOM told me the reason she included me was the �chainsaw maintenance� portion of the program. I think the Safety Geek from London convinced her that I needed to learn what the videos had to teach about keeping our saws in top running order.

Fair enough. I do �rough� sharpen the blades for the guys when they bring the still-warm saws in after a job. If they need a serious sharpening, I just have the local small engine repair shop do the job for me ($3 a chain), and slap the chain back on the saw for the next tree to be cut.

But there is one reason why I already do the little things to keep the saws ready to use:

I spent several months (back in high school) working at a small engine repair shop. I learned how to hand-sharpen a chain. I learned how to free up a clogged bar oiler. I learned how to clean a dirty filter.

In short, I learned all the very basic things that the Safety Geek wanted the employees to learn from his meeting today, 22 years ago.

So, to sum it up:

I didn�t need to be there.

Somehow, Safety Geek found out about my past job experience.

He brought the district arborist with him, and the other safety geek (Claims-man), and he kept going to them for approval (you know- �Right, Mr. Arborist? Right Mr. Claims-man?�)

Then, one time he said something like �Right, Roadiepig? Roadiepig has professional experience in the field of chainsaw repair!�

Thanks a lot, Safety Geek!

I have �professional experience� at chain saw repair about as much as the guy who used to flip burgers at Dairy Queen has �professional experience� as a gourmet chef��

Hey, guess what?

Lease was able to leave work tonight after only working 9 hours!

�Bout time. She had already put in 31 hours in the first 3 days this workweek, helping customers figure out their new Cableco channel setup. They have only done the changeover to some of the smaller towns in the county, and they have had a bunch of technical problems in the process.

They planned on switching the largest �bedroom community� today, but put it off due to the problems. They let Lease leave just an hour later than normal.

I didn�t cook anything (I am working on dinner rolls for tomorrow, so the oven is in use), not knowing if she would even make it home in time for a meal with me. Last night, she didn�t get off until 9 pm. Too late for a meal.

So, the fine folks at Long John Silvers did the cooking for us.

After the 2-hours �Survivor� ends, I think Lease and I have something important to take care of�..

Oh, the rolls?

Standard butter-based dinner rolls, and a new recipe that includes oats, cornmeal (I used some white popcorn meal that I picked up last fall at the Farmer�s Market), orange zest and honey.

One thing about experimenting with food on the guys at work: they will eat anything, and then tell you what they honestly think of what you made.

Good or bad, everything gets eaten up completely�.

I have another web page for you to check out.

Thanks to the people at The Top Five List, I get new sites to check out daily (you didn�t think I found the Snoop Dogg Shizzalator all by myself, did you?).

Today�s find is easier to view than to explain. A student at Ithaca University found a photograph in the local newspaper odd, and has taken an image of a man in the shot (he has named the man �The Foppish Dandy�) and pasted him in a bunch of different news photographs. Some work, some don�t, but you have to admit he put a bunch of work into the project.

If you want to see what I did such a bad job of describing, click on this here linkage and see what I mean.

My Top Ten Albums of the year 2002 list is completed. I worked on it while waiting on Lease to arrive home last night.

Yeah, I know y�all have been waiting for it with baited breath, right?

I will post it this weekend, when almost everybody will be too busy to stop by and check it out. I will link it in Monday�s entry, in case you want to check it out then.

That�s it. I�m done now.

Feel free to go read a diary written by someone who can compose an entry using proper grammar and punctuation�..

Antique - Futuristic

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